by Colleen van Heese from Lieflingkind Design

o Motivational Poster Printable amazing ideas

With the finish of February looming around the corner, several of us have currently given up or forgotten about our new year’s resolutions. And whilst I understand that some resolutions are just not possible to keep to (for me it is going to the fitness center each and every day), there are some resolutions that will assist us realise life-lengthy dreams, and these are the important ones.

This year I have resolved to attempt new things and understand new skills. Learning to cook a decent meal, beginning a garden and experimenting with hand lettering and watercolours are some of them. So far, so good…except for the cooking part…

And so, to inspire you to maintain at your resolutions and dreams, specifically the life altering ones, I have created a gorgeous hand-lettered watercolour poster to brighten up your workspace or residence and hopefully motivate you to maintain going when you feel like giving up.

o Motivational Poster Printable amazing ideas

Download the file in two sizes here:

  • Huge A4

  • Modest Postcard size

Components needed:

  • Decorative frame of your decision (Poster are made to fit regular postcard or A4 sizes)

  • Art knife or scissors.

To assemble:

  1. Just print out the image at the size of your selection on thick paper.

  2. Cut out along the dotted lines using an art knife and ruler or scissors.

  3. Place into your frame and hang or display it in the space where it will inspire you most.

o Motivational Poster Printable amazing ideas

Photos: NYX Photography
